Learning New Softwares

As I'm getting closer to my degree and growing older I feel responsible and have started taking things very seriously.
I have recently developed this urge of Learning new softwares such as Photoshop, InDesign and illustrator. I have used it in The module Future fashion innovators for various segments.
It all started from How I told my friend to Make a logo for my brand and she refused saying she has her own freelance work to finish and it really got mr thinking that why can't I do it myself, so what if she's a graphic designer and knows everything perfectly well.
what is there that she can do and I can't, I don't have to be dependent on anyone for anything that's when I researched on what all soft wears will I be needing.
It all started with having a fight with a close friend, whom in not on talking terms with now though.
it went from her criticising me and making me believe that im really good for nothing, and it quite hurts coming from a really close friend but no-one is really above you right!!
I cut her call and called my other friends whose btw super intelligent with computers and softwares and asked him to teach me a little basics and once its started there was no turning back, I was having alot of fun exploring those softwares as well as challenging my own creativity.
I have Used a lot of them in my other modules assignments.
I regret I had never done it in my previous assignments, I really would have done a great job and now I would definitely continue to use them.
Image source: Pinterest